
The one-on-one tutoring is for Hungarian speaking students. There are special cases, though. For example, we once helped children who just moved here learn Hungarian.

Below is a FAQ about our tutoring program.


  • Each student has a teacher, with whom a friendship can be built.
  • In this setting, grades can improve and school work becomes more enjoyable.
  • Diamonds (reward points) can be collected, and used to purchase school equipment, toys, and other cool things.
  • Twice a year, there is a scholarship given based on the work of the student throughout the year.
  • Students have the opportunity to visit any workplace or profession they are interested in to see what it would be like to work as a grown up.

What do we do here?

Those who come in at school time have to do their homework first. Besides this, any subject or topic can come up that they need to practice or are going to be tested on. Moreover, any questions are welcomed. They do not have to be part of any school subject, we try to find an answer for everything.

From which school can someone join in?

Primarily this program is for those who attend a school in the VIII. district, but we receive applicants from other parts of the city too.

What age is required to be part of the program?

Basically the students are at least 7 years old, but on personal demand it can change.

Can home schooled students join in?

Sure. But in itself this tutoring is not enough preparation for the exams. It does not take the place of school or individual work. We connect one teacher with one student who can study together once a week.

When and how often do the pairs study together?

Each teacher and student find out together what is the most suitable time for them. This usually means 1.5 hours a week on a given day.

Can I visit and see what is happening?

We suggest that those who want to join in come and observe. You can come any weekday between 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm.

I have questions.

Find our contacts, or come personally and get in touch with us.

To apply

This given form has to be completed by the student and parents.